William Matheson (nova_one) wrote,
William Matheson

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passing through the cybercafe

I just fired off a bunch of correspondence to Poland today, in the form of a letter and a bunch of e-mails. I got a haircut for the equivalent of a Canadian Dollar.

I'll put some thoughts on paper soon and write an adequate blog entry.

We had a party with and for Eduard last night, which was a lot of fun. I'd like to say that we're a tight-knit group, and I think we are, but I think alcohol and tobacco have been involved in this bonding somewhat. =) Incredibly, five of the seven of us smoke. It's amazing because the smoker ratio last time was three or four out of twenty-one.

Well, I guess I'd better log off and plan the evening... see you around!
Tags: cwy, drinks, haircut, ostroh, ukraine

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