And just now I realized that she probably wanted to jump the bones of one of the Frosh. And she could have. And I didn't catch it. What a slick move. Only works for women, though.
I'm about to start a GPY206 lab with Dr. Bob. It's been an... interesting course so far. The tests have little to do with the material; I'm glad I'm an English major. But working with ArcGIS in a tenative and experimental way is kind of fun. Helluva lot more fun than CSC227, anyway. ("I got a C+ in C++!") Dr. Bob has promised to make this lab and the following lab kind of easy, given this is the end of the semester, and he's got a ton of work sitting on his desk waiting to be marked. I think this has been a lazy semester for almost everyone. Or maybe it's just because it's second semester - I never have the same will or drive to succeed that I do in first semester.
The course evaluations were done today before the lecture, the lecture after doing one of those infamous borderline-irrelevant tests. I joked with the Dr. that it's a good thing for him we don't have our test marks back yet!