But after 6 runs back and forth to and from the bus stop (runs, indeed - I was a sweaty mess), and those unexpected keystroke marathons, I think I've earned a pint or three. Mike's going to be picking me up soon, and we'll be going to a party hosted by his friend Brian. After that we may be going to Pacifico. Steve Yorke and Paul Fox will probably be with us, and I hope Jenny comes along too because she's teh aw3som3. No, I'm not flattering her emptily - she's Mike's girlfriend, and none of them read this journal AFAIK.
Anyway, it's time for me to go have fun. Can you expect a phone post or two from me tonight? Damn straight! (By the way, feel free to transcribe them - I'd do it myself, but I think giving other people the ability to do so is the fun part! If you don't see a (transcribe) link next to my phone posts, then comment and I'll add you to my "transcribers" custom security level. Then again, I flatter myself to think that anyone would be interested in transcribing my phone posts - but if you had Paid Accounts, I'd transcribe yours!