And, it’s about time.
Among the changes and additions:
- Photo Series #25: Université Sainte-Anne, 2007 - The photos are still hosted on Facebook, but this page brings together all the photo albums and videos – and you don’t have to be logged in to see the photos – I deliberately linked each Facebook album with its public link. Also, this page will make it much easier to get at everything in the future.
- Photo Series #18: 2004 in Halifax - This brings together some resources that had already been online in terms of blog posts, with the promise of more to come on Flickr. Look for a Flickr collection called “Special Lost Photos” soon. Joe Chisholm was a visionary. He coined the title for this hypothetical addition way back in 2001.
- I’ve added integrated search, a blog search, and integrated this journal / blog with the website. What this means is that angsty emo-posts are now 99% more likely to be friendslocked. =) But it also means that people will be able to follow things more closely when I’m on the move. I’m promulgating my LJ feed instead of making a separate one for – it will be THE feed.
I’d been tempted to more openly promulgate my journal for a few years now, but I’m glad I held back, because I really didn’t possess the experience necessary to refrain from making myself look like a complete idiot. =) I think I’m ready now, though. I mean, to open up my journal, not to look like a… ah, too late.
- In light of next year being the 10-year anniversary of (or, more accurately, its antecedent), I’ve dug up and made available the oldest revision I have of Will Matheson’s CPA-Related GeoCities Page, from December 1998. It would have been nice to roll back a little further, but this revision still captures most of the spirit of the original webpage – and the low-level outrage and controversy that it sparked.
- Live Audio Wrestling reconfigured its website and so I had to find copies of my reviews off my old computer. Luckily, they were still there, and easy to convert to HTML. So that’s all tidied up for posterity, and one (well, me, for probably the only one) can relive my brief stint in 2003 as a weekly SmackDown! reporter. More poignant in light of what happened to Chris Benoit is my report from the WWE “News Conference” in Halifax in which he appeared.
- Numerous other changes, too mundane to list. I’m oddly proud of the new video page, which organizes things a lot more neatly than before. For a while I had also wanted to edit a new cut of The Artifact, but that is becoming a low priority. We’ll see.
Oh, wait, was there something else?
Oh, yeah…
Photo Series #21: Ukraine Canada Corps exchange, and other travels
Your wait is over. Come back in time and join me on my trip! Among other places, it covers Ukraine (of course), my trip back to Poland, people and places in Ontario cities and Montreal, and my grand aunt’s 100th birthday celebration in New York City. It’s actually all part of the same trip; I was away from home for seven months!
I hope you enjoy it. There’ll be more things in the coming months; I intend to have my photos completely up-to-date before I go to Japan. Umm… I guess I should also, you know, get a passport, and work visa, and clothes to teach in, but those are clearly secondary priorities. =)
Your Pal,
~ Will