Well, too late; it's already in the mail.
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We have a little water dish that plugs into the wall to keep the water circulating. Last night when I was in the basement I saw the cat carrier. Sometimes I think I see a flash of movement, and I expect it to be the cat. Sometimes my Mom still goes outside for a few minutes to yell, "Mistoffolees? Heeeeeeeeere kitty kitty kitty..." It's mildly annoying yet heartbreaking at the same time. Anyway, I guess something got him. It's too bad, he was a good cat. I've seen lots of other cats that are really, really good at getting into things or are totally out of control. Mistoffolees wasn't like that. If anything, he was quite shy and timid. It was endearing.
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Provided we get the brake lines fixed on the car, I'll have transportation again. That will come in handy. I'm tired of walking or begging for rides. I also want to thank my friends who have always been willing to take the run up to Giles Drive to drop me off.
One time I used to think that I'd be a success at something, but now I'm starting to be forced to abandon that idea. That probably means I won't be able to repay anyone for any of the kindness they've shown me. I'm terribly sorry.